
Your business has grown and it’s time to have the well optimized systems and processes to elegantly work as a team and continue reaching unmatched prosperity. Recognizing the significance of this endeavor for your business, you may feel daunted by the prospect of conducting an in-depth analysis at the elevated level you've attained. Rest assured, I am here to guide you through this intricate process and ensure a seamless integration of your business components.

Transform Your Biz into a power house

Whether you've mapped out a clear vision for your flourishing wedding business or seek guidance for the next level of success, I'm here to elevate your journey. Your current triumph isn't a stroke of luck; it's the outcome of strategic decisions and unwavering dedication. Let me offer a seasoned perspective, delving into your business intricacies to orchestrate insightful team collaborations, revisit past triumphs, and learn from valuable lessons in a more streamlined approach.

Whether you're ready to delegate more, relish the freedom of business ownership, or navigate uncertainties about sustainability, my team is poised to step in. We'll thoroughly understand every aspect, craft a comprehensive plan, implement new systems, and empower your team for a seamless execution of every event element.

No more manual processes, Google Excel spreadsheets, or the need to work seven days a week to keep everything running smoothly!



→ A complete dive into the inner workings of your business
→ Report on the last 6 months of your business including booking rate, time to booking, average booking investment, and projections for the next 6 months
→ Detailed plan of action for systems to implement and their impact on your business 

The deets

Initial Investment $500

you'll leave with:

✓ A report showing you the successes of your business as well as the areas your business could function more efficiently.
✓ A breakdown of the systems your business needs to allow you to
  • work less
  • build a bigger team
  • raise your prices
  • enjoy your business more
✓ A complete overhaul of your business with new systems and strategies to make your business a powerhouse and the go to for your specialty. 
✓ A complete understanding on how to use your systems so that you can feel confident in managing it yourself, or the option to add on monthly retainer support

Step 2: We'll create a plan for implementation of all systems and strategies as reported in your audit

→ Complete setup of all systems 
→ Connection of all systems (as available) so that your business is simple and automated
→ Plan and improvement of all processes including project management, team member management, and client experience
→ 60 Days of Post-Set Up Support
→ Custom Training Videos

Average Investment $8,500

Your $500 initial investment will be subtracted from your total

Book my audit



Systems Integration



Systems Integration

We don't know what needs to change until we dive deep into your business and determine the areas that are falling short &  exceeding expectations.

Client Feedback. If you have been collecting feedback from every client, we will use this data to help give us an inside look. We'll reach out to clients that might be able to help guide us to areas that need improvement and we'll make sure we have a deep understanding of your past clients thoughts & feelings about your business. If you have never collected feedback before, no worries. We've got you covered. We will create a feedback survey and reach out to past clients with a little bit of a treat to entice them to complete it! 

Team Feedback. Sometimes team members can be afraid to upset the boss so we'll interview them with the utmost secrecy so we can get true feedback from your team.

Data Review. We will look over your data regarding average spent per project, where your highest paying clients are coming from, how long it takes your clients to book, why most clients aren't booking with you, and any other key performance indicators that will tell us how your business is functioning.

Goals & Internal Review We cannot make any improvements without seeing the areas you feel are succeeding or falling short. We'll analyze your goals, get you to dig deep into your feelings about your business and operations, and ensure we understand how you feel as a business owner.

Report. After collecting all of the information, we will put together a report reviewing everything we learned. We will create an outline for improvement, and a quote for our team to complete all steps needed to take your business to it's next level of success!

sign me up!



Systems Integration

This is the fun part, where we get to carry out the steps necessary to take your business beyond levels you thought were possible. Not all steps below will be carried out for every business, we will create your custom plan after our audit! 

CRM Optimization. CRMs can be overwhelming especially if you are still using the same system you set-up at the beginning of your business. We'll ensure your CRM is functioning to it's full capacity (or maybe you've outgrown it, and it's time for a more powerful system) and teach you and your team how to actually use every piece of it! 

Project Management. When you have a team and are carrying out 100+ weddings per year, an organized project management process is the one place where you can ensure everyone knows where to be, what to do, and how to achieve unforgettable client experiences every step of the way! 

Team Management. How are you onboarding, training, and handling your team? Is it time to hand off team management to someone else? Do we need to clarify your business processes so your team knows what they are doing? We will ensure whatever your team management needs, we 

Integrations. Work smarter, not harder. Integrate your system with the tools and platforms you already use. Connect all of your systems via Zapier and make your business work for you

Branding. Is it time to upgrade your branding? Our expert branding designers and copywriters will help update your branding to ensure it's accurate for your current clients and not holding you back!  

Service Upgrades. Are you ready to offer new or different services. It is time to step into education? Together we will ensure your current service offers match your business AND personal goals.

sign me up!

Kind words from ouR clients

I’ve been using Honeybook since 2016 and never knew the true capability it had. When they switched to Smart Flies, I knew it was time to outsource and hire someone to help me set up my workflows and automation. When I hired Megan, I had no idea that she would revolutionize how I use Honeybook. She not only blew my mind with how I can utilize Honeybook for my client experience but gave me the most amazing support as I was learning how to use everything she set up. Not only would I recommend her, but will hire her again should the opportunity arise!


Megan made it so easy to understand workflows and how to apply them to current projects and set up for new inquiries. I loved how straightforward the process was! She is able to take off the stress of setting up workflows for those who might now know how to set things up. She helps free up time to be spent in other areas of the business!

Now I feel so much more knowledgeable than I did when we first started! I'm excited to keep getting familiar with workflows and already feel so much more confident and organized!

Leah Rife

systems we use:

the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase

Yay! You’ve reached out, we’ve done our consultation call, and decided that a full business audit is the best fit for your business. We’ll then start the onboarding right away. We'll get access to your accounts, decide what reports we will run, determine which past clients we will interview, and collect all the details we need to run your audit! 



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit Phase

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase

We’ll kick things off by collecting alllll the details about your business that will allow us to give you a detailed report on your business. We will ensure we can give accurate suggestions on systems we should implement and steps we should take to make your business a powerhouse! 



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit Phase

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase

Based on the data we have collected, the goals you have for your business, and the expert recommendations we have, we will create a details report for you and your team to show you current business trends and ways we can make things bigger and better! Every business has different goals so the actual steps we will recommend will be 100% personalized for your business and your goals! After the report, you will get a detailed quote for our team to implement your steps to success. If you decide to continue, your $500 investment will be subtracted from the total quote. 



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit Phase

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase

If you decide to proceed, we will get to work creating everything we need for your overhaul. This is our longest stage lasting anywhere from 1-2 months depending on the systems we are implementing! 



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Audit Phase

Report Phase

Overhaul Phase

It's here, the time you've been waiting for. We will walk through your entire new business processes and spend time teaching you everything you need to know about using your system. This step can be done in person or virtually with your entire team (this is HIGHLY recommended). This step may consist of multiple calls or training depending on the complexity of your new systems and flows! We will ensure complete understanding of your business before moving on to the support phase! 



the timeline

Inquiry & Booking

Business Details Phase

Mapping Phase

Design Phase

We won’t leave you hanging. All services come with 60 days of support. You’ll have access to our team and the ability to submit support tickets for issues that arise.




If you’re a

Then let’s help make your clients say I DO to working with you.

Book a VIP Week

  • Photographer
  • Videographer
  • Florist
  • Caterer
  • Wedding Venue
  • Wedding Planner
  • Baker
  • Hair & Make-up Artist
  • Mobile Bartenders