Earn more without cramming more work into YOUR schedule.




You’ve built a thriving wedding biz, with an always-packed calendar, a supportive team, and #goals revenue.

And you’re proud of that (as you *should* be!). But, like so many wedding pros, each wedding season also leaves you gasping for breath, struggling to juggle business operations and client relations.

That’s why the goal now isn’t about just booking more weddings. It’s about optimizing your business to continue to grow while *also* reducing your personal workload. Hello, work-life-balance!


more revenue
fewer weddings
total peace of mind!


And now is the time to make shifts — before wedding season hits.

If what you’ve tried before hasn’t made business that much *easier* for you, this could be why:

  • You hired specialists for results in *one* area… but you didn’t have a unifying strategy across your whole biz.

  • You started posting all your weddings on Instagram... but haven't seen any increase in inquiries.

  • You hired a team to meet demand… but it made you feel more disconnected from your biz’s beating heart.

  • You're not alone in feeling like your biz is doing so well while at the same time, you’re… overwhelmed.

There *is* a way forward: optimize your business, maximize growth, and reclaim your time.





Boost your profit margins and experience a transformative shift: earning more while expending less energy. (!!)
Understand exactly where to invest your marketing dollars. With the right strategy, draw in dream (read: easy!) clients to work with. 
By identifying and fixing operational bottlenecks, not only will you reduce costs, but you'll also free up your valuable time.

It starts with a holistic deep-dive into 3 key areas ↓



The Bespoke Business Blueprint for Wedding Professionals

Get a tailor-made strategy that not only increases revenue but also grants you serene days and quiet nights, free from overwork.

Work smarter, not harder, for an easier and more abundant 2024!

Financial Reflection: We’ll walk you through a personal review of 2023’s wins and lessons from your P&L.

Visions for 2024: Together, we’ll chart out your ambitions, both in earnings and investments, and show you how to get there.

Strategy Mapping: We’ll craft a thoughtful pathway to guide you toward your goals with smart financial decisions through the entire year.

    Feel Good About Financials

    Master Your Marketing

    Own Your Operations 

I'm ready for 2024 growth.

Let’s make every marketing dollar count!

Traffic Sources: We’ll definitively answer: Where are your best (i.e. most profitable!) clients arriving from? How can we optimize those traffic sources?

Website Tune-Up: You get a fresh perspective on your website's narrative, aesthetics, and flow to captivate those perfect-fit clients.

Social Media Symphony: How to leverage your social media to draw in leads and send more traffic to your (now highly optimized!) website.

    Feel Good About Financials

    Master Your Marketing

    Own Your Operations 

I'm ready for 2024 growth.

Goodbye to bottlenecks! Hello to a streamlined 2024.

System Exploration: We'll venture into your CRM, Project Management, and team dynamics, and strategize how to harmonize it all.

Workflow Revamp: We’ll create a plan to finesse your operations, introducing game-changing automations and SOPs.

Blueprint for 2024: We’ll plot out your upcoming year with precision and purpose.

    Feel Good About Financials

    Master Your Marketing

    Own Your Operations 

I'm ready for 2024 growth.

what's included

Custom financial projections and goal-setting for 2024 + a specific roadmap for how to get from where you are to where you want to be (aka actually reach your target revenue numbers!)

Custom gameplan for optimizing your website, SEO, and social media, based on where your best leads are coming from (not just “best practices” — this is rooted in your real data)

Custom operations blueprint to reach your marketing and financial goals with ease (the operational systems you need to make your dream achievable without killing yourself)


✨ Complimentary finance projections for 2024 — like having a mini CFO telling you where to shift now to reach your Q4 goals

✨ Strategic step-by-step list of what to tackle in your marketing and in what order — basically a holistic marketing plan for 2024

✨ $0 monthly operations meetings for 6 months to keep you on track — get Megan on your team, enough said (!)


what's included

Custom financial projections and goal-setting for 2024 + a specific roadmap for how to get from where you are to where you want to be (aka actually reach your target revenue numbers!)

Custom gameplan for optimizing your website, SEO, and social media, based on where your best leads are coming from (not just “best practices” — this is rooted in your real data)

Custom operations blueprint to reach your marketing and financial goals with ease (the operational systems you need to make your dream achievable without killing yourself)


✨ Complimentary finance projections for 2024 — like having a mini CFO telling you where to shift now to reach your Q4 goals

✨ Strategic step-by-step list of what to tackle in your marketing and in what order — basically a holistic marketing plan for 2024

✨ $0 monthly operations meetings for 6 months to keep you on track — get Megan on your team, enough said (!)

  • 2023 Profit & Loss Statement
  • 2024 profit mapping based on goals
  • 2024 projections


what's included

Custom financial projections and goal-setting for 2024 + a specific roadmap for how to get from where you are to where you want to be (aka actually reach your target revenue numbers!)

Custom gameplan for optimizing your website, SEO, and social media, based on where your best leads are coming from (not just “best practices” — this is rooted in your real data)

Custom operations blueprint to reach your marketing and financial goals with ease (the operational systems you need to make your dream achievable without killing yourself)


✨ Complimentary finance projections for 2024 — like having a mini CFO telling you where to shift now to reach your Q4 goals

✨ Strategic step-by-step list of what to tackle in your marketing and in what order — basically a holistic marketing plan for 2024

✨ $0 monthly operations meetings for 6 months to keep you on track — get Megan on your team, enough said (!)

  • Analysis of Instagram
  • Analysis of 4 top visited pages of your website

  • Step by step action plan for how your can make your website more user friendly
  • *If you do not have google analytics, we cannot determine your top 4 pages visited so we will do your Homepage, Services page, about page, and contact page

  • Action plan taking into consideration your financial reports and 2024 goals to determine a marketing plan for your business


what's included

Custom financial projections and goal-setting for 2024 + a specific roadmap for how to get from where you are to where you want to be (aka actually reach your target revenue numbers!)

Custom gameplan for optimizing your website, SEO, and social media, based on where your best leads are coming from (not just “best practices” — this is rooted in your real data)

Custom operations blueprint to reach your marketing and financial goals with ease (the operational systems you need to make your dream achievable without killing yourself)


✨ Complimentary finance projections for 2024 — like having a mini CFO telling you where to shift now to reach your Q4 goals

✨ Strategic step-by-step list of what to tackle in your marketing and in what order — basically a holistic marketing plan for 2024

✨ $0 monthly operations meetings for 6 months to keep you on track — get Megan on your team, enough said (!)

  • Feedback forms sent to each 2023 wedding client with analysis after completion
  • Analysis of all lead sources including top income producing
  • Feedback on booking rates to include

  • Time to booking
  • Success before consultation call vs after talking with client

  • Analysis of SOPs to include

  • Feedback from team members
  • Feedback from you (the business owner) to adjust areas that are messy
  • Consideration of couples feedback to determine areas that need improvement

  • Full analysis of marketing & financial to include a step by step action plan to hit your business goals for 2024



I'm on a mission to transform the financial landscape for service-based entrepreneurs, especially wedding pros.

With over seven years of experience as a QuickBooks Pro Advisor and the top HoneyBook Finance Pro (one of only three in the world!), I bring a wealth of expertise to help you navigate the intricate world of business finances.

Meet your Bespoke Business Blueprint experts

Finance Expert

Carly kerndt

I’m the founder and Chief Marketer at FlyDog Digital, a full-service digital marketing agency that aims to fill your cup and your wallet.

We’ve worked with 100+ clients to gain a clearer grasp on their marketing efforts as a whole — from Google to social to email to websites. We leave no stone unturned!
Marketing Expert


I’m all about connections. I believe that people buy from those they feel a connection with because in an online world, there’s often not much else to work with.

In the sea of choices when it comes to wedding vendors, the warmth you emulate from your online presence will have your clients feeling right at home. When we work together, I’ll not only connect with you (and become your business cheerleader) but help you create lasting connections with your clients, too.

Operations Expert




“In a short period of time, Geily became my bookkeeper, cheerleader, tough-love support system, and strategic partner…”  Martha W. 
“We’re in disbelief over how well our content has been doing this month 😂 It’s amazing but also comical almost because it’s such a big difference…” - Becca Davis, AR Davis Media

“Having Megan in my business has given me peace of mind, confidence, and space to return to the "whys" of my business — my clients…” 
- Christine Baumgarten, Silver Orchard Creative

Work with the experts

Let us tailor a unique strategy for you today, so you thrive and flourish next year.

You’ve got the aspirations. We’ve got the plan.


Why is the Bespoke Business Blueprint a game changer? 

In a sea of generic advice and scattered resources, there’s a void when it comes to a dedicated, holistic, and customized approach for wedding professionals like us. That's how the Bespoke Business Blueprint (BBB) was born.

Tailored for the wedding world

360° view of your business

Dedicated team of experts

Not a one-size-fits-all solution. We're deeply entrenched in the wedding ecosystem, crafting strategies just for pros like you.

No tunnel vision here. From operations to finances, we analyze your entire business, guiding with expertise and genuine care.

We’re not generalists. You get a curated team with niche expertise, ensuring each facet of your Blueprint is precision-crafted.

Peek into these transformations…


🌟 Revenue Transformation: A wedding planner saw their revenue double by refining operations, without increasing the number of weddings.
📈 Social Surge: A wedding photography studio experienced a jaw-dropping 871% boost in impressions and a staggering 1,595% jump in interactions. This powerful content strategy means producing fewer pieces while achieving greater impact.

🌐 Traffic Triumph: Within just 3 months, a wedding photographer's website traffic rocketed from 365 to 1,641 monthly sessions. This surge in high-quality traffic reduces time spent on sales calls and reduces the risk of difficult clients.
📈 Social Surge: A wedding photography studio experienced a jaw-dropping 871% boost in impressions and a staggering 1,595% jump in interactions. This powerful content strategy means producing fewer pieces while achieving greater impact.

🚀 Error Fix: A business owner dodged a tax-time disaster when big bookkeeping mistakes were caught in time to fix, saving her stress, anxiety, and money.
🌐 Traffic Triumph: Within just 3 months, a wedding photographer's website traffic rocketed from 365 to 1,641 monthly sessions. This surge in high-quality traffic reduces time spent on sales calls and reduces the risk of difficult clients.
🌟 Revenue Transformation: A wedding planner saw their revenue double by refining operations, without increasing the number of weddings.
🚀 Error Fix: A business owner dodged a tax-time disaster when big bookkeeping mistakes were caught in time to fix, saving her stress, anxiety, and money.


payment plan

Ready to set it and forget it? Get it done in one easy payment.
Need to watch your cash flow? Let's break it down into 4 monthly payments.

Your investment


$5,500 $5,000


Only 5 spots available (!)

Black Friday sale valid through December 1st at 11:59 pm.


payment plan

Need to watch your cash flow? Let's break it down into 6 monthly payments.

$920/ mo

$500 OFF THROUGH December 1st at 11:59 pm
The BBB doors open to the Waitlist on November 10th.
Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?
The million-dollar question! Let’s lay it out: If you're a wedding professional dreaming of savoring the wedding season without burning out — where you’re making bank but not running ragged — then BBB's calling your name. Piqued your interest? Grab some coffee and let’s chat it out on a call.

Yes! The BBB will look at what’s working for your solo-entrepreneur business to determine what to invest your time and money (which are all the more precious when you don’t have a team) for more revenue and less work in 2024.

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?
We've worked with several CRMs, but our true love lies with HoneyBook and Dubsado. As long as you have a CRM in place, you're a great fit for this offer!

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?
Yes! While the core of the Blueprint will tell you exactly what to do to move the needle — the hardest part as a CEO — we also have options to add implementation on if you decide you want additional help with the execution of your Blueprint. You can work with any of our experts (ops, finance, marketing) after your BBB.

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?
Catch the early-bird offer by November 10th, and you get to snag your Bespoke Business Blueprint at a huge $1,000 discount. Missed it? No worries! The BBB is open until December 1st. But either way, we only have spots for 5 fabulous entrepreneurs — total. So, our advice? Don’t wait too long! Grab a spot on Megan’s calendar to make your final decision.

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?
Here’s the transformation you’re looking at:

➔ Easier wedding seasons with less stress

➔ More revenue “magically” showing up without having to work more weddings

➔ Reduced overhead costs for more take-home profit

➔ Marketing that works hard *for* you, so you can take your foot off the gas and enjoy more of your life

Get some clarity in the FAQs.

Not sure?

Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for me?
I’m flying solo without a team; can I still get the Bespoke Business Blueprint? 
What CRMs do you work with?
Is there anyone who can help me implement the action items in the BBB?
I’m really interested but need some time! How long do I have to jump on this?
Will this investment really pay off?

About Megan Herron, the Operations Maven behind the Bespoke Business Blueprint.

With a deep-rooted passion for the wedding industry, I've mastered the art of creating unparalleled client experiences through elevating your operations.

But here’s the thing: It’s not just about excellent ops. Successful wedding professionals need a master strategy, a roadmap that looks at *every* nook and cranny of their business.

So, I teamed up with a couple of brilliant minds I adore (and trust implicitly!): a savvy financial guru and a marketing expert.

Together, we’re here to give you a 360° insight-packed action plan to make 2024 the year you not only achieve your wildest revenue goals, but also feel calmly in control the whole way through.

trusted by...


"I’ve been using Honeybook since 2016 and never knew the true capability it had. When they switched to Smart Flies, I knew it was time to outsource and hire someone to help me set up my workflows and automation. When I hired Megan, I had no idea that she would revolutionize how I use Honeybook. She not only blew my mind with how I can utilize Honeybook for my client experience but gave me the most amazing support as I was learning how to use everything she set up. Not only would I recommend her, but will hire her again should the opportunity arise!"
- Amy, Amy Allmand Photography

"Working with Megan has freed up so much of my time, and has helped my business level up in many areas. I have the capacity to take on more while knowing my clients are still getting a high level of care and attention. Megan helped me choose and set up the best CRM for me, and used her expertise to customize it and create excellent systems and work flows." - Courtney, SoulFloral Floral Design

"Megan has been an absolute god send! I interviewed a handful of assistances during my search and Megan really stood out with her professionalism and attention to detail. She is extremely forward thinking and has really helped with navigating and implementing systems to help our teams growth. She has helped streamline my business so well, that I am doing less then half of the administrative work prior to having her involved! She has undoubtably freed up my time to focus on my 5 year old, my family and my artistry which were huge goals of mine. Megan has become such an integral part of my company, I could not be more thankful for having her with us!" - Leah, Dreamcatcher Artistry

➔ No more guessing. We’ll collect vital data from your CRM, annual financials, and marketing platforms, so you know what’s working and what’s not. 

➔ Relax while we do the work. Spend the holidays with your family prepping for the year of clarity!

➔ Walk into 2024 with a PLAN. Dive deep with an analysis to unveil business insights, including exactly what levers to pull to reach your goals.

📊 Data Dive December: 

🚀 Journey-Setting January:

🌱 Flourishing February - June:

The Bespoke Business Blueprint journey ↓


➔ Say goodbye to untrackable goals. Let us walk you through the data-backed goals for your 2024 wedding season, so you know the specific end-game you’re working toward.

➔ Receive tailored action plans for Operations, Marketing, and Finances, so you have a checklist for exactly what to do each quarter.

📊 Data Dive December: 

🚀 Journey-Setting January:

🌱 Flourishing February - June:


The Bespoke Business Blueprint journey ↓

➔ It’s go time! Implement the strategies solo or opt for our expert execution, watching your revenue boost while your working hours plummet.

➔ Confidently make moves every month of 2024.

➔ Stay on track with monthly check-ins, adjusting strategies as needed, so you are never alone, even in the wind-tunnel of wedding season.

📊 Data Dive December: 

🚀 Journey-Setting January:

🌱 Flourishing February - June:


The Bespoke Business Blueprint journey ↓


payment plan

Ready to set it and forget it? Get it done in one easy payment.
Need to watch your cash flow? Let's break it down into 4 monthly payments.

Your investment

Early Bird Offer!

$5,500 $5,000


Only 5 spots available (!)

Black Friday sale valid through December 1st at 11:59 pm.


payment plan

Need to watch your cash flow? Let's break it down into 6 monthly payments.



The BBB doors open to the Waitlist on November 10th.
✔ Active on social media channels like Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook.

✔ Utilizing QuickBooks or equivalent bookkeeping tools.

✔ Achieving $300k+ in revenue.

✔ Collaborating with a dedicated team, contractors, or employees.

✔ Ready to build a [bigger] team so that you can keep taking on more weddings without spending more of your weekends busy.

✔ Eager to sustain or amplify growth without adding extra weddings to your own plate.


Is the Bespoke Business Blueprint right for you? 

The BBB was created with love for successful wedding professionals who deserve to stop sacrificing their mental health to maintain the growth of their business. These metrics above are a starting point for knowing whether you’re in the right stage of business to the get the most of a BBB — but talking with Megan will ultimately help you decide before you make the investment!

Need more clarity?

Let's chat. This consultation is all about ensuring the right fit, without any pressure.